Tuesday, October 27, 2009


This just in - CK is moving back to Chicago! Just a couple more weeks to go. Just need to somehow organize and "finish" 8 years of work, finish those still-on-going experiments, hire a mover, pack, sell, ... and somewhere in between make two more trips to Chicago for Immigration appointment and a wedding ... and entertain mom and show her around Dallas. Hm.

Well, Dallas dear, you have been great and I've grown so fond of you. Alas, it's time to forge ahead and build Ko-Dauk future!

Re: Wedding Planning
We have the date (May 14, 2010!), ceremony location (Punta Cana!), have the Dinner confirmed with a menu, found a travel agent, and have an officiant.  We are done now, right?  No?  ...  oh, yeah...we still need a photographer, videographer, CK needs a dress (and decide on hair/make-up, accessories, shoes, etc.), CD probably needs an appropriate suit and a tie (maybe no tie?), need to confirm the wedding party, find appropriate attires for the wedding party, need to arrange flowers, cake, after party, ceremony music, favors ... and DIY projects of Save-the-Date's, Invites, Place cards, Programs...seating chart...guestbook...whoever said planning a wedding is "fun"?  What else? What am I missing?  Please do tell.

Oh, I forgot, I also need to find a new job!