Thursday, November 24, 2011

We got poop! Give thanks! - Week 1

It's week 1.  As newbies, both Chuck and I are clueless as to what we are doing.  However, we are managing and surviving (I might even boldly claim that we are thriving)...except we have one serious matter at hand.  Em needs to poop and she isn't...

Em is bit jaundice, although not quite to require phototherapy.  Our pediatrician, Dr. Katy, told us that bilirubin is passed through poop; hence, Em needed to poop.  Alas, she just could/would not gift us that dirty diaper.  Finally, on the day that she was a week old, which happened to be Thanksgiving, she finally started pooping.  Chuck was on diaper duty and he joyously shouted, “We got poop!”  I ran over and we were both in glee as we changed her.  We’ve never been (and my guess is, will never be) so happy to see poop!  

Photo credit to Bella Baby!