Monday, January 23, 2012

Life on the express train! - Week 8 / 2 months

Emerson is growing up so fast! I am finding myself missing the “little Em”, and really, she is still very little! Days are blurred and weeks are passing by. I am trying to make more conscious effort to sit back and enjoy our moments instead of stressing over little tasks…like washing the bottles!

Grandma Dauk and Aunty Nikki came to visit for a weekend. We went for a walk around downtown along with Patty and Selma and enjoyed home cooked meals by Aunty Nikki. Alas, the visit was too short! Their trip did allow Chuck and I our first date night as parents. We went to have dinner at Bar Taco, and watched a movie (Tinker Taylor Soldier Spy). We enjoyed having some time to ourselves, but we were also very happy to come home to our little girl. Chuck’s steps got faster and faster as we approached our building – usually, I find it a bit annoying when he walks too fast, but on this night, I found it very sweet for I knew he was anxious to return to his light and joy.

Her BM is slowly, but surely, returning to normal; however, we are facing another nuisance! Eczema! Dr. Katy believes she has developed a food allergy. So, we have been off dairy, bovine, nuts, shellfish, wheat, anything spicy, etc. Of course, I mean “me” when I say “we”. Well…anything for my little girl!

We are starting to venture out of the house more often. We started Mommy & Me yoga class, joined a New Mother’s group sponsored by the Greenwich Hospital, and I’m looking at a few mommy groups on I’m finding that she gets thrown off her eating schedule on the days we are out for more than a couple of hours, which results in her binge feeding at night and difficulty falling asleep. It’s not easy, but hoping practice makes perfect and we will prevail!

At home, I’m finding that I now have to turn off the TV when she is awake. She LOVES it! (Like father, like daughter!) I can’t even get her to eat when she’s transfixed on the screen. For now, there is no tantrum when I turn off the TV. I am hoping this will persist…although, I am certain that TV vs. Mommy will be a battle I will have to fight for many years ahead. 

Em with the Dauk family members!

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